POST api/Enrollment/xGenerateRollNoKeys
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
EnrollStudentViewModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
None. |
None. |
Marks | Collection of STD_MARKS_HISTORY |
None. |
Extra_Marks | Collection of STD_MARKS_HISTORY |
None. |
BATCH_ID | integer |
None. |
ENROLL_TYPE | integer |
None. |
faculty | string |
None. |
course | string |
None. |
Department | string |
None. |
addresDetails | AddressDetails |
None. |
coursesdetail | Coursesdetail |
None. |
BatchDetail | ADM_BATCH_MST |
None. |
S_y_id | integer |
None. |
None. |
None. |
NET_ROLL_NO | string |
None. |
NET_SUBJCET | string |
None. |
NET_ISSUE_DATE | string |
None. |
Session | string |
None. |
Enrollment | string |
None. |
RollNumber | string |
None. |
RemarkAgent | string |
None. |
DegreeTypeDetails | string |
None. |
CourseAppliedModel | integer |
None. |
SessionCodeModel | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "student": { "registaratioN_ID": 1, "registratioN_NO": "sample string 2", "degreE_TYPE_ID": 1, "facultY_ID": 1, "coursE_APPL": 1, "firsT_NAME": "sample string 3", "middlE_NAME": "sample string 4", "lasT_NAME": "sample string 5", "fatherS_NAME": "sample string 6", "motherS_NAME": "sample string 7", "dob": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0164533Z", "mobile": "sample string 8", "emaiL_ID": "sample string 9", "perM_ADD": "sample string 10", "adhaR_NO": "sample string 11", "martiaL_STATUS": "sample string 12", "gender": "sample string 13", "sssM_ID": "sample string 14", "blooD_GRP": "sample string 15", "religion": "sample string 16", "category": "sample string 17", "nationality": "sample string 18", "studenT_TYPE": "sample string 19", "adM_RCPT_NUMBER": "sample string 20", "reG_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0164533Z", "migratioN_NO": "sample string 21", "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0164533Z", "reG_BY_ID": 22, "reG_BY_RID": 1, "procesS_STATUS": 1, "batcH_ID": 1, "feE_DISCOUNT_TYPE": 1, 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"otheR_CERT_1_PATH": "sample string 19", "otheR_CERT_1_PATH_STATUS": 1, "otheR_CERT_2_PATH": "sample string 20", "otheR_CERT_2_PATH_STATUS": 1, "otheR_CERT_3_PATH": "sample string 21", "otheR_CERT_3_PATH_STATUS": 1, "otheR_CERT_4_PATH": "sample string 22", "otheR_CERT_4_PATH_STATUS": 1, "otheR_CERT_5_PATH": "sample string 23", "otheR_CERT_5_PATH_STATUS": 1 }, "marks": [ { "stdqh": 1, "exaM_TYPE": 1, "boarD_UNIVERSITY": "sample string 2", "institution": "sample string 3", "subject": "sample string 4", "passinG_YEAR": "sample string 5", "maX_MARKS": "sample string 6", "obT_MARKS": "sample string 7", "percenT_CGPA": "sample string 8", "rolL_NO": "sample string 9", "marksheeT_NO": "sample string 10", "registratioN_ID": 1, "enrollmenT_ID": 1, "neT_SUBJCET": "sample string 11", "neT_ELECT_CERT_NUMBER": "sample string 12", "neT_UGC_REF_NUMBER": "sample string 13", "neT_ISSUE_DATE": "sample string 14", "neT_ROLL_NO": "sample string 15" }, { "stdqh": 1, "exaM_TYPE": 1, "boarD_UNIVERSITY": 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"sample string 11", "iS_NSP_CAT_WISE": true }, "allSemOrYear": [ { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" }, { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" } ], "allSemOrYearForFees": [ { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" }, { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" } ], "allSemOrYearForExam": [ { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" }, { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" } ], "allSemOrYearForCourse": [ { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" }, { "id": 1, "f_ID": "sample string 2", "f_NAME": "sample string 3", "seM_YEAR": 1, "f_CODE_ID": 1, "prinT_NAME": "sample string 4", "marksheetnumberprefix": "sample string 5" } ], "faculty": { "facultY_ID": 1, "fcX_TITTLE": "sample string 2", "fcX_OVERVIEW": "sample string 3", "fcX_VISION": "sample string 4", "fcX_MISSION": "sample string 5", "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0369302Z", "isactive": true, "priority": 1 }, "department": { "dpT_ID": 1, "facultY_ID": 1, "dpT_NAME": "sample string 2", "dpT_OVERVIEW": "sample string 3", "iS_ACTIVE": true, "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0369302Z", "depT_CODE": 1 }, "subjectList": [ { "suB_ID": 1, "subjecT_NAME": "sample string 2", "coursE_ID": 3, "mbsid": 4, "s_YID": 5, "papeR_TYPE": 6, "scH_GRP_ID": 7, "scH_GROUP_NAME": "sample string 8", "hoW_MANY_GRP_IN_GRP_SCHEME": 9, "grouP_ID": 10, "grouP_NAME": "sample string 11", "hoW_MANY_SUB_IN_GROUP": 12, "suB_CODE": "sample string 13", "papeR_NUMBER": 1, "iS_ACTIVE": true, "suB_TITTLE": "sample string 15", "iS_THEORY": true, "iS_PARACTICAL": true, "iS_CCE": true, "iS_SESSIONAL": true, "iS_MST_2": true, "iS_MST_1": true, "iS_ASSIGNMENT": true, "iS_MID_SEM": true, "iS_QUIZ": true, "papeR_TITTLE": "sample string 25", "iS_INTERNAL": true, "adD_MARKS_TO_MARKSEET": true, "iS_SEMINAR": true, "iS_VIVA": true, "iS_INTERNAL_ASSESMENT": true, "bscagprintcredit": "sample string 31", "createD_BY": 1, "sessioN_ID": 1, "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:17:24.0369302Z", "iS_PRACTICAL_SESSIONAL": true, "iS_THEORY_SESSIONAL": true, "batcH_ID": 1, "nsP_MAJOR_CAT_ID": 1, "nsP_SUB_CAT_TYPE": 1, "adD_GRADE": 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Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
Sample not available.